Feature Request: Recent Active Threads Widget
This site looks excellent; keen to see it grow and I look forward to being a regular participant.
A minor feature in the scheme of things but one that I think has the potential to bolster engagement: a recent posts bumps/activity feed at the https://godot.community/ landing page.
This functionality is already provided by the https://godot.community/recent area, but I think it could be better utilised as a condensed scroll box style or fixed length (most recent X posts?) widget that is front and center to the user.
This would not replace the categorised view of the forum at the landing page but could supplement it as an adjacent widget, either above or beside it, and would be global as opposed to displaying only the most recent thread in each category as provided currently.
Lowering the barrier to entry on any given thread might encourage folks to engage in categories they otherwise might not if something in the feed takes their fancy.
Whether this feature is accepted or not, excellent job @sepTN (and anyone else involved), look forward to seeing where ya take the place.
This post is deleted!
Hi there! I have a request or recommendation, I see recently that exist "Bevy" but in my opinion I see that is more a "framework" or "tool" than can be used under Godot... What? Well, yes.
Let me explain, recently I see "Jolt" and alternative "fisic motor" for Godot, and I see projects like this (https://github.com/rand0m-cloud/bevy_godot) as intended to extend the interoperability between "Godot" and "Bevy".
And I have a question... Is it possible to use Godot and Bevy, Godot under Bevy, or to implement the two projects and join forces to make them great? Why choose one or the other when it is possible to achieve the greatness of both projects? Division is weak and unity and cooperation is the best option for everyone and open source, come on!
This is more of an open question or request than a concrete oneOther interesting links: