hello im, new in this engine, can you help me?
Hi, I'm new to the engine and I wanted to do a procedural generation in a simple way, basically it's a cube that moves randomly and (then it started to get complicated) where it touches the tile set it disappears, my question is how do I could make just one cube of the tile disappear and not the entire tile|=justified paragraph=|
here is the code:
extends CharacterBody2D
const SPEED = 300func _ready():
passfunc _process(delta):
Movimento aleatório
velocity = Vector2(randf_range(-2, 2), randf_range(-2, 2)).normalized() * SPEED
move_and_slide()func _on_area_2d_body_entered(body):
pass # Replace with function body.
if body.is_in_group("destroy"):
print("Colisão com bloco de tileset!")
body.queue_free() #Removes tileset block when collidingso, thats is all i make, if i are missing something tell me, and thank you