First I made some easy starter project from the web, maybe use the one in the docs, to get comfortable with the sytax, but chose something you enjoy but isnt difficult. Then I used the Godot Documentation and just started coding. Its really about testing it out and I find the docs really helpful for that. Sometimes i watched, especially when i didnt knew anything about tilemaps, some videos how you are supposed to use it or the godots node system in general.

var dict : Dictionary = { key : Array[Object] }
Can we do this somehow in GDScript.var dict : Dictionary = { key : Array[Object]}
I know that :
var arr : Array[Obejct] = [] var dict : Dictionary = { key : arr }
does work, but somehow i would love to just type it directly into the dictonary.
Thanks for answers, keep coding.
Do you have any tips to learn GDS quicker for someone who knows how program is supposed to work from the "technical" side just have to translate to GDS
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Initilize Array[Object] inside of Dictonary