(This is a repost because I realized I put the original post in the wrong part of the forum.)
Just for funsies, here's the code I'm using to take a screenshot. You may use it if you like! I'd like to make it so that it also takes that image it just took (image.save_png(screenshot_path)
) and puts it into the computer's clipboard. That way I can just press Ctrl+V and it'll paste that screenshot 
extends Node2D
@export_category("Screenshot Settings")
## If true, the screenshot will be upscaled.
## If false, the screenshot will be at its native resolution.
@export var upscale : bool = true
## Upscale by what factor?
@export var scaleFactor : int = 5
@onready var resizedWidth : int = get_viewport_rect().size.x * scaleFactor
@onready var resizedHeight : int = get_viewport_rect().size.y * scaleFactor
func _process(_delta):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("SCREENSHOT"):
var date = Time.get_datetime_string_from_system().replace(".","_").replace(":","_")
var screenshot_path = "user://"+ "screenshot_" + date + ".png"
var image = get_viewport().get_texture().get_image()
if upscale:
var resizedImage = Image.new()
I've tried putting DisplayServer.clipboard_set(image)
or DisplayServer.clipboard_get_image()
after image.save_png(screenshot_path)
, and looking the solution up online and I'm all out of ideas lol
Also, I'm trying to figure out what the default screenshot_path
should be. I'd like to put screenshots in the user's Pictures folder or maybe the folder the game's EXE is in, but I don't really know how to do that either. As far as I can tell, user://
doesn't seem to lead anywhere.