I "completed" this game at the end of november, but I recently discovered this subforum, so to whoever ends up finding this, here's my first game I've ever published!
Have you tried changing the directory to a different folder? (i.e. a random godot saves folder on your desktop)
I'm not sure if this is the issue, but has the acceleration value always been 200 because that might be the problem considering the fact that it's acting as the weight for the linear interpolation. I would try lowering it to like 5. Otherwise I don't see anything that would cause that. I guess that's the point of forums, since you can get multiple perspectives at once.
Bringin' features back from the dead? Now this I approve.
Not sure, though what file type are you using for the model, because .glb is the most compatible with Godot.
This is honestly hype to be a part of. Can't wait to see what prospers from this wonderful community.
Random thread about me being incompetent at game development:
https://godot.community/topic/195/i-m-attempting-source-style-air-movement-but-there-s-some-caveats?_=1701216862093 -
C# and C++ are amazing languages, but when using them in Godot there's some caveats. For starters, there's barely any official documentation, let alone fan-made, because the whole engine was designed around GDScript. That also entails that tutorials for C# and C++ are nonexistent. If you absolutely needed to choose between the two languages, I would choose C#, as it has slightly more support than C++ at the moment and there are some bits of the official Godot docs that are very helpful, but if you're thinking you're going to use Godot for a while, it's extremely beneficial to learn GDScript. It's not an elegant solution, I know, but you'll have a lot tougher of a time if you want to use other languages. As for the Godot documentation, I'll link to it at the bottom of the reply. If you don't know a thing about Godot's basic functionality, I HIGHLY recommend going to the "First 2D Game" or "First 3D Game" bits, and then soon after trying to make a small project based upon what you've learned. If you're not a fan of reading, there's also some cool tutorial channels like "GDQuest", "PlayWithFurcifer", and "Godotneers" to name a few. I hope you have a good time with game dev though!
Welcome to the official documentation of Godot Engine, the free and open source community-driven 2D and 3D game engine! Behind this mouthful, you will find a powerful yet user-friendly tool that yo...
Godot Engine documentation (docs.godotengine.org)
Yeah when you use the default font the resolution is kinda meh, so you should always go to a place like google fonts to use one that's under a free use license
I'm not too well-versed in the Godot engine thus far, but my best guess would be to check that the texture's filter is set to "Nearest" as opposed to anything that blurs the pixels like "Inherit" or "Linear"
I'm not sure whether or not you've figured it out by now, but for mobile devices you need to use buttons as your controls, as it's the only feasible way to interact with the Godot engine at the moment (besides tapping the screen). As for tutorials I would look to the Godot documentation on UI elements, or watch a tutorial on buttons.
Man, I need to start solving my own problems, because at the expense of around 10 hours of my time and a little bit of sanity, I've finally fixed it! For any of you trying to make a movement FPS in Godot for whatever reason, you can use this as a base. It's klunky, but it works:
if (velocity.x <= 0 && -velocity.x <= max_speed || velocity.x <= 0 && velocity.x * direction.x < 0): velocity.x += direction.x * air_accel * delta; if (velocity.z <= 0 && -velocity.z <= max_speed || velocity.z <= 0 && velocity.z * direction.z < 0): velocity.z += direction.z * air_accel * delta; if (velocity.x >= 0 && velocity.x <= max_speed || velocity.x >= 0 && velocity.x * direction.x < 0): velocity.x += direction.x * air_accel * delta; if (velocity.z >= 0 && velocity.z <= max_speed || velocity.z >= 0 && velocity.z * direction.z < 0): velocity.z += direction.z * air_accel * delta;
I would like to clarify that it's actually the Z axis that it works on but not the X
Hey everyone! I'm working on an FPS game for Game Off 2023, and I was running into a very strange and unique issue. Whenever the player is heading along the Z axis and they're in the air, they are able to gain infinite speed if they have both W and either A or D pressed, whereas when they're heading along the X axis, it works as intended. Here are the if statements regarding air movement:```
# "relative_speed" is the velocity relative to the player's camera, # "max_speed" is the maximum velocity in the given direction (set to 10), # "air_accel" is the value associated with the movement correction speed midair, # and the rest of the variables' functions are either the default or self-explanatory. if (-relative_speed.x < max_speed && input_dir.x < 0): velocity.x += direction.x * air_accel * delta; if (relative_speed.x < max_speed && input_dir.x > 0): velocity.x += direction.x * air_accel * delta; if (-relative_speed.z < max_speed && input_dir.y < 0) : velocity.z += direction.z * air_accel * delta; if (relative_speed.z < max_speed && input_dir.y > 0): velocity.z += direction.z * air_accel * delta;
I have officially found the issue, and it seems to be that as soon as I enable autoload on literally anything, that's when the node system stops working, so for those of you who are seeing the same issue, I would avoid autoload because it seems to be VERY buggy.
Yet another update; I changed literally nothing about the project, then came back 5 days later and everything works. I would love if someone could investigate this though, as I think it could benefit the Godot community heavily.
Quick update: I've also run into a strange bug where after I do an oddly specific change (moving the stuff in the _process() function of testing.gd to the player script), finding nodes no longer works via ANY method (i.e. string reference through get_child(), get_parent() or get_node(), scene reference through PackedScene, etc). I know that it's possible to replicate via some method, because I've done it twice, but I have no idea what specifically is causing it.
Heya! I've been working on a somewhat small project for a gamejam, and I've noticed that for seemingly no reason whatsoever, sometimes (rarely) works, and most of the time it doesn't. I have it set up so when you press the button, it goes to the testing scene, but it seems so sporadic that it's out of my control. Here's the github for my project so y'all can figure out what I did wrong, and the main menu script for those of you who want a quick look at it : https://github.com/Punkgrin/A-Momentous-Occasion ```
extends CanvasLayer
func _ready(): Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE);
func _on_play_pressed():
get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://Scenes/main.tscn")func _on_testing_pressed():
get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://Scenes/testing.tscn")func _on_options_pressed():
pass # Replace with function body.func _on_quit_to_desktop_pressed():
A Momentous Occasion
I need help to smoothen my movement code
Godot 4.2 Stable is Here!
Problem with creating imported model
Join the _init() User Group - Exclusive for Our First 100 Members!
C# vs C++, and documentation?
Text appearing blurry?
The rendered pixels on my 3D character are bigger than other objects
Question about mobile control
I'm attempting source-style air movement, but there's some caveats...
I'm attempting source-style air movement, but there's some caveats...
I'm attempting source-style air movement, but there's some caveats...
get_tree().change_scene_to_file decides not to work
get_tree().change_scene_to_file decides not to work
get_tree().change_scene_to_file decides not to work
get_tree().change_scene_to_file decides not to work