I could help you but i cant read russian
Try usibg move and collide instead of move and slide for your characterbody, otherwise tou could use an area 2d to detect the collision
You can check out
this tutorial -
It is not a method it is a property of the atlasTexture
Please remember to make the texture an atlasTexture
I have made a video to show this, Pleas take not I am using godot 4.1 but it should not matter -
If you make the textures for the buttons, atlas textures you can then go
Button.texture_normal.region = Rect2(x,y,width,height)The same goes for
Button.texture_pressed -
Your method is correct but only for godot 3, for godot 4 you use
Well since you are using tiles you could get rid of using collision and just not allow units to move out of bounds, but even then the sheer amount of nodes can cause a performance decrease, so the best way could be to unload units and calculate their time of arival in the backround, or if you dont want to make something too conplicated like that, you could make it so that the process steps are less on unloaded nodes, so instead of moving them every frame move them on a tick like 10 times per second.
Rigidbodys, arent really made for custom physics, I suggest using characterbody. You could also try changing your rigidbody mode to character, I dont know if it still works in godot 4
Its, probably not possible, considering gdscript just got typed, for loops in 4.2, but if you really want you could submit a report to get it added.
Sorry, could you elaborate on what you want to do.
Haha, yeah googling it is a good idea
Assuming the z index is not different, you can use node.get_index()
https://docs.godotengine.org/en/4.1/classes/class_node.html#class-node-method-get-indexSince z_layering is sorted by position in scene tree. So just compare them to get the topmost node.
Make car game
Yes, you can use get_global_mouse_pos() to get the global position of the mouse
The reasom local_to_map doesnt work om the characterbody is because they are not methods that are part of it, if you want to use them, you have to run them using the tilemap for example $hex_tilemap.local_to_map()
You can check out this softbody 2D plugin https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1621
Yes, all properties in the inspector are changeable see the docs
https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_animationnodeanimation.html -
I think the problem might be because of the += and -= lets say the velocity is run speed then when it hits a wall you -= run speed meaning the velocity becomes zero and the enemy stands still, try just setting it directly using
velocity.x = run_speed velocity.x = -run speed
How I can make a football game 2D
Hold and drag
How would I set the atlas region for a texture button?
How would I set the atlas region for a texture button?
Gdscript connect() function :/
The Settler like prototyping, performance and Unit-Management, newbee to game development
Rotate and change position at the same time
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tutorials for hexagon shaped tilemap in godot 4
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Changing Animation-AnimationNodeAnimation-BlendSpace 1D-Animation Tree from script
Enemy not rebounding off of walls multiple times.