Thank you so much!

Let's say I want to implement a nature simulation kind of thing - a world where there is grass, herbivores, carnivores etc., all interacting based on their respective behavior patterns. I think I understand how I would use scenes and nodes to do this, but now, let's assume I want to have a huge amounts of these entities and I don't need to show them all at once. Basically, I want to do a simulation in the background and based on certain rules, I want to pick some of these entities that will also be visible.
How would you do this? What would you use to represent the entities that are just a few data fields and an associated behavior? How to make them as lightweight as possible for this to be efficient, but still be able to save them easily, for example? And how would you switch for a specific entity (for example one particular wolf) from the "simulated-in-the-background-but-not-displayed" to the "visible-on-the-screen" state?
Thanks for any advice.
How to do simulation with many entities?
How to do simulation with many entities?